Fraction to Decimal Conversion Chart
No need to pull out your phone for conversions or have a cheesy paper chart hanging on your wall. Here is a cool, easily visible shop conversion chart that has all the fraction to decimal conversions! Hang it anywhere in your shop for a clear and quick conversion. Made with precision by a CNC router, this Conversion Chart will last for years.
The colored charts are now made from a high quality, durable red/white plastic. This material will wipe down easily and stay clean in your shop.
Michael Luzzi (verified owner) –
Great addition to our shop . Easy to read and stands out. Knowing the plastic will last for years.
Terry Whitehead (verified owner) –
Just got mine, and I must say it is just awesome. Easy to read and looks GREAT! Going to order the tap drill chart.
Dresses up my raggedy old shop…. Shines like a diamond in a goats butt. LOL