Building A Kayak Rack | The DIY Yak Rack!

Building a Kayak Rack - Yak Rak!!

Thinking about building a kayak rack yourself? Check out this awesome kayak rack I built myself in this easy 1-day DIY project!

Sorry, but “Yak Rack” just sounds too cool to pass up as a name for this project. You’ve probably seen by now that I’ve had a couple of projects focused on supporting my new kayaking hobby. This project is focused on creating a good storage solution for my two kayaks. The build is very straightforward and was a lot of fun bringing it all together. I had no idea there was so much to consider when building a storage solution for kayaks.

The main take-aways are this: 1) Keep the yaks out of direct sunlight as best as possible when storing them. I suggest using a UV protectant spray as well to prolong the integrity of the plastic. 2) Storing the yaks upside down and supporting the plastic material with a soft foam will keep the plastic from deforming due to heat and its own weight. 3) Store the yaks in such a way that varmints won’t want to burrow up in side of them and ruin your investment.

The video I put together that outlines the build is down below. The thing I like the most about the design is that it’s built very strong and requires only basic wood working tools. If you’re interested, I have a set of building plans for the yak rack found here.  The plans come with a complete cut list, material list, and step by step instructions.  This would be a fun build to share with your kids or your favorite paddling buddy too….feel free to check em out : )

I almost forgot! – Last week I released a basic how-to on building an ice chest stereo for the back of the Kayak.  It’s also a really fun build to either share with a buddy or knock out on your own. Feel free to check it out over here.

Thanks for stopping by to learn more about this project. If you have the means, get out on the water, have fun, and try your hand at one of these Yak Racks : ) Have a great week and yall take care – April

Things I Used For This Building A Kayak Rack Project:

Bluetooth Hearing Protection
Super Jaws
Circular Saw

Miter Saw Stand
Miter Saw

Design Software
Triton Multi Stand

These links are affiliate links. If you choose to make a purchase using one of these links then I will receive a small commission from the product sale. In a small way this really helps this website to stay alive and kicking and I sincerely appreciate the support. Take care and have a great day – April. 

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