Comments on: How To Build A Rain Water Collection System DIY Projects Plans Templates By April Wilkerson Sun, 26 Feb 2023 19:29:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mick Thu, 23 Jan 2020 05:51:35 +0000 That’s a massive tank! I have 3 x 22,500 litre (5900 US gal) tanks (2 polypropylene, 1 cement) supplying my home needs. We don’t have town water, so these provide water for all our needs. Given the on-going drought here in Oz, I may have to put in a couple more later on.
I’m interested in your comment about needing to treat the water for drinking – I’ve never known folk using tank water in Oz to purify water in normal use. It does goes through a 5 micron particulate filter before it reaches the taps (faucet).
Is treating rainwater a legal thing in your state?
